Price 5200  


Northwest Africa 16713 (NWA 16713)

(Northwest Africa)

Purchased: 2021

Classification: HED achondrite (Eucrite, monomict)

History: The meteorite was purchased from a dealer in Morocco.

Physical characteristics: Individual largely covered with shiny black fusion crust.

Petrography: Monomict breccia composed of up to 1 mm sized exsolved pyroxene and calcic plagioclase grains in fine-grained related matrix. Minor phases include silica, chromite, ilmenite, and troilite. No metal detected.

Geochemistry: low-Ca pyroxene host to augite exsolution lamellae: Fs42.3±0.1Wo2.3±0.3 (Fs42.1-42.5Wo2.1-2.8, FeO/MnO=26-29, n=7); augite exsolution lamellae: Fs16.6±0.3Wo44.6±0.2 (Fs16.1-16.9Wo44.2-44.8, FeO/MnO=21-26, n=7); calcic plagioclase: An92.7±0.6 (An91.9-93.6, n=7)

Classification: Eucrite (monomict breccia, gabbroic)


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